Resonant Sciences Dayton Ohio


Resonant Sciences, founded in 2015, has core expertise in: Advanced Apertures, EM Measurement Systems & Analysis, Aerospace Manufacturing, Integrated Electronics, EO/IR, and Instrumentation Radars. Resonant Sciences' facilities and staff are oriented around these strategic areas. Since its inception, Resonant Sciences has experienced significant growth and expanded its technology and facility footprint to support a diverse customer base.

Resonant Sciences is comprised of six different focus areas: Advanced Apertures, EM Measurement Systems & Analysis, Aerospace Manufacturing, Integrated Electronics, EO/IR, and Instrumentation Radars. Each area is comprised of leading experts in the field committed to developing advanced capabilities. With our vertical integration and dynamic culture, Resonant is able to quickly go from prototype to operational system.

This structure has allowed us to rapidly design, build, test, and produce numerous operational systems used in today’s fight. Resonant Sciences is dedicated to solving the most challenging of our warfighters' problems. Resonant Sciences – built with expertise.